Tuesday, July 13, 2010

News 7/13/2010

Howzit people! Got a lot going on today as we are wrapping up on a JV we had going on since late last month. Things to see and people to do/people to see and things to do. Stuff li'dat. OK, here goes...

As of this writing, stocks are rallying...

Gold is up again... after Portugal's debt downgrade. Every adversity has an equal or greater benefit. Find it, and you'll do good no matter what you do.

Unbalanced Trade Action
US International Trade in Goods and Services are upside down... highest trade gap in 18 months.

Economic East vs West
Products made in China often costs more than those made in the west. Everyone, put on your Mack 10 face and say, Wessssside!

Money Is Only Easy For The Big Boyz
Small companies denied as big firms thrive... it's funny, when we really need 'easy money' we can't get it, but when we don't, it's available. Well, I guess in the deflationary period that were in, it won't matter anyway. Pfffffff... (deflating balloon sound) 

Majority of Americans are losing faith in Obama. Talk about pressure... whew, I wouldn't want to be a president. Too many to please, not enough pay.

This is a good read. America Builds an Aristocracy.

Tehran and Washington Tensions
Missing Iranian nuclear scientist, Shahram Amiri, is taking refuge in US Embassy at Pakistan. All this building up of tension leads me to still believe it's not a matter of it... but when. It seems war is inevitable. According to Fidel Castro, the US is provoking war with Iran. Russian and Iranian officials are discussing collab's in the energy sector while Iran may cut gasoline imports 75% due to international sanctions imposed on their nuclear energy plans. Speaking on energy, Oil Smuggling seems to be big business.

Oh Ship!
Gaza bound Libyan aid ship 'Amalthea' is still on course despite Israel warning them to dock in Egypt's el-Arish port. The ship is carrying humanitarian aid supplies and is welcome for Israeli's to board and inspect the ship for weapons. Don't forget what recently happened to Turkey.

Getting Capped
The new cap on the Deepwater Horizon runaway well has been installed! Now BP will test to see if the gusher can be completely contained. The new offshore drilling ban is in place and the Coast Guard has new procedures for media access to cover the goo.

Lots of excercise, drinking tea, and Vitamin D, could help thwart off Alzheimer's. Big up Honolulu!

Oh BTW, I really, really want this, and I think my genius cousin Aaron can get it to work. 3 days left. Too many opportunities in front of me. It's nice being on the B-I side of Kiyosaki's cash-flow quadrant... not to mention waking up to the Koolau's (even though it's dark out at 2:30am) and appreciative living in beautiful Hawaii. Teeeehu!

Stay Strong and Aloha Always!
