Friday, May 21, 2010

Aloha Friday!

Aloha Friday, hmmm... there's something special about Aloha Friday's. It's the prequel to Saturday, which either means we work more or less. Either way, it's awesome ending another week and beginning the next and it usually 'feels' (at least to me) different than the rest of the days in the week because of that.

O-tay, to kick things off, Krystilez, Malu, and I had an incredible meeting over breakfast here, which brings me to my 1st entry of the day. Because our discussion was between us, I won't go into great detail, but one of the things that I can and should bring up is the self-imposed limit of fear.

Fear, as it was explained to me is, "false evidence appearing real". Although 'intelligence and/or love' should motivate us to act... it's usually 'ignorance and/or fear' that gives us that boost we need to move forward. Fear causes action.

Because I'm a finance guy, here's your good ol' tip of the day: "Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy" - Warren Buffett.

Yes, I'm a moke, and yes, I wear slippah's to business meetings, and yes, I talk pidgin', BUT... I am No fool and that quote keeps reminding me of when to act. By the way, I love what I do and if fear is what causes me to act than so be it.

Yip, it's a short post today, but I gotta buy some stuff for the young'n and make Longs a part of my day.

Aloha Friday, and I really, really, really can't wait till Monday (hint... remember the quote above).

Well, Stay Strong and Aloha Always,


Saturday, May 15, 2010

2 Cent Saturday... Get Some!

Today is a beautiful Saturday. It's also the Sabbath so I won't get into all the work stuff. Yup, this is the day I rest and eat ice cream. I figured I'd at least drop a special note for Hoi Polloi.

Some major revolutions are underway. Greece, yeah we know. What about Thailand, where they took it to live fire level, or Russia, or the follow up on India, or Xinjiang, where limiting access to makes for some ugliness... OK, it's a joke, but you get where I'm going with this. Hoi Polloi took cracks and is returning the favor worldwide.

If we had more of these guys, our future might look brighter or least more Honest & Refreshing. Take a peek!

Bank of England says U.S. faces the same problems as Greece. Although that's the buzz, I'm pretty sure the Euro will collapse before the dollar sees it's elevator down. OK, I know I said I wouldn't get into any work stuff but I'll hint you on something... which takes me back to a quote in Napoleon Hill's, "Think and Grow Rich". It kinda goes like this; With each and every adversity comes the seed of an equal or greater benefit. In other words, you could also say, when things go down, other things go up.

I was chatting with my man Stilez last night, and he reminded me of a quote, "The Meek shall inherit the Earth". He reminded me of what "Meek" meant. This statement has a lot of bearing on me since 'I Holds It Down For Hoi Polloi'. If you can maintain your financial intelligence through all of this global hooplah, you can profit handsomely, for the Meek will most likely end up buying the Earth at this rate.

Now, on to other news in my 2 cent report...

Yep, their out there. We are not alone. Alien's communicating with us? Although it's been downplayed as a glitch, Stephen Hawking has some knowledge to drop on us all about our space neighbors. Trust... when were ready, they'll be.

Good 'Ol Bill Gates is going head on with Mama Nature. Could this be Microsoft's next big thing? Who knows, this could be Genius or Insanity. I was taught the thin line between both is thinning. All I gotta say is Mama Nature had about enough of us, which leads me to the Big Kahuna...

This interesting comparison should clear things up. Then again, what happens if they can't stop it?

I will be taking it easy for the rest of the day... maybe catch a Princess Kaiulani movie or something. They wanted to name it the Barbarian Princess, imagine that? The review is here.

Well, Stay Strong and Aloha Always,


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Metal Head (Ingot I Trust)

Gold is having it's day of awesomeness! As of this writing, the shiny metal is at $1244 oz. Can you say... NIIICE! It has gone past it's current contract high due to people waking up to the sound of paper money printers hard at work, churning out more and more fiat currency and devaluing their already worthless playper. Makes me think of Gresham's Law. Also today, Silver 'Poor Man's Gold' is doing nice at $19.65 oz. I was 'lucky' enough to dive into another chunk of physical Silver (OK... a BIG chunk) when it was in the $17's last week. I know $17's aren't what I was getting it for a few years back, but I add to the collection when I can... or maybe, when I should. Whew, Glad I did! I don't gamble, but when things uncannily align themselves, I goes 'all in'. In fact, I have a 'theory' which I'll unveil later to inquiring minds, on how Universe and everything in it is synchronized and harmoniously balanced (duh!). It allows for some 'future knowing' of financial, weather, political events, etc... I'll get more into it later.

Now onto our Mama Nature's side of things...

I wonder why there's 'no press allowed' to cover the Gulf of Mexico's Oil Spill? Compared with the Exxon Valdez disaster, we can estimate that in July (if it's not 'fixed'), the GOM slick will be greater in size, by August 1st it will double, by September 22nd it will triple, and by November 12th it will quadruple!

I'll be working in the garden today with cuzzin' Malu and my agronomist, Yuri. Hey, hedging can be done in other things other than The Market like... food costs, food shortages, things li'dat. Anyways, Stay Strong and Aloha Always!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Just checking email action...

Yes! It's Alive!!!

Just checking to see how Blogger's text action works... in case of a last minute update.

Just getting a feel for this Blogger stuff

Awesome!!! Thanks Aaron for the help! Alright, well... It's time to get this Grindman thingy crackin'. Stay posted for some of the most out of this Universe content available!

Test Post
