Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Metal Head (Ingot I Trust)

Gold is having it's day of awesomeness! As of this writing, the shiny metal is at $1244 oz. Can you say... NIIICE! It has gone past it's current contract high due to people waking up to the sound of paper money printers hard at work, churning out more and more fiat currency and devaluing their already worthless playper. Makes me think of Gresham's Law. Also today, Silver 'Poor Man's Gold' is doing nice at $19.65 oz. I was 'lucky' enough to dive into another chunk of physical Silver (OK... a BIG chunk) when it was in the $17's last week. I know $17's aren't what I was getting it for a few years back, but I add to the collection when I can... or maybe, when I should. Whew, Glad I did! I don't gamble, but when things uncannily align themselves, I goes 'all in'. In fact, I have a 'theory' which I'll unveil later to inquiring minds, on how Universe and everything in it is synchronized and harmoniously balanced (duh!). It allows for some 'future knowing' of financial, weather, political events, etc... I'll get more into it later.

Now onto our Mama Nature's side of things...

I wonder why there's 'no press allowed' to cover the Gulf of Mexico's Oil Spill? Compared with the Exxon Valdez disaster, we can estimate that in July (if it's not 'fixed'), the GOM slick will be greater in size, by August 1st it will double, by September 22nd it will triple, and by November 12th it will quadruple!

I'll be working in the garden today with cuzzin' Malu and my agronomist, Yuri. Hey, hedging can be done in other things other than The Market like... food costs, food shortages, things li'dat. Anyways, Stay Strong and Aloha Always!!!