Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Grindman Blog 8/10/2011

Howzit Everybody,

Ya, I know it's been a minute, but..

I'm back.

Uh, I think pappy used to say, "prevention is worth an ounce of cure".. just this time, I don't think there's a cure, but there is some prevention, at least to keep some of your sanity, and it ain't money. Someone told me that money can't buy happiness. Well, for the past 10 years, I had to find that out for myself. 10 years later, my work days have been slowly replaced with depositing as much freedom, balance, and peace of mind into my physical/mental/social/emotional/spiritual account as needed.. and I could always use more.. we all could.

If this is your 1st time receiving one of these emails, it means that you mean a lot to me and I've added you to a list of people that have played or continue to play a big part in my life. If this is your 1st time reading one of these emails, don't worry, I haven't lost my marbles.. this is how I used to communicate to my network of "Bears" or investors that invest on the downside on the stock market. Back when Dus and I were actively shorting the stock exchange, these emails would go out, kinda like a foresight of things to come. It was my way of keeping myself sane in the wee hours of the morning when I'd wake up at 2:30am to work the New York Stock Exchange from my Hawaii abode.. and help a few fellow investors out all at the same time. I'd post my thoughts of where I thought things were going, based on the headlines of the day. Hey, Bad news means Good news to a "Bear".. you can make an educational guess to where our future is headed, to an extent, and best prepare for things to come. What these emails really do for the really observant, is.. it creates a present snapshot for the opportunist, to capitalize on meeting the new demand(s) arising from the current happenings around our globe. That's the money shot right there, for those of you who wanna make some. Oh, and if you do.. please share. Mahaloz

Ok, so let's get down to business. With all the market action that's been happening recently, I felt compelled to drop an email to all about the latest. Read for yourself..

Global Unrest based on the Economy -

With the whole thing leading to FB arrests.. chances are, there may be some sort of social media regulations or changes coming about (I'm prolly a year or so ahead again on this one though).

Not to mention.. today we were off by 80 cents to hit $1,800 oz for gold! You'll prolly hear about this on your news station tonight (..or maybe not). Aaron and Malu, I guess it's almost time.. $200 more and were going! I think we might need to bus up some snowbirds there though? Anyways, I can't wait to get my hands dirty for that adventure.. Yeeeeee!!

Oil was down to $82 a barrel from recently being up at $94.

You know what that means peeps.. it's almost like were in a full-on 2nd recession. With the failed recovery, and the feds promising to keep rates low, it seems there might be some massive deflation underway. But then again, something magically happens behind the scenes and presto! Were good.. lol. Good news though.. the lower prices should show up at your local gas pump sometime soon.

Largest Solar Flare in Years. This is the biggest in Solar Cycle 24 which happens to hit it's maximum 'coincidentally' on December 21, 2012. Ah, I just don't think it will be the end of the world. But I do think it will be a little shaky. We've correlated a 'relationship' between solar disturbances and 6+ earthquakes happening within 48 hours after the event. At least we think we have.. Aaron and I. I was wrong earlier this year about 1 of 'em, but we nailed EVERY other one that came about! Even, Japans. I don't THINK this one will have much effect on us because of the position of the solar event. Well, hopefully anyways.) -

Remember, make the most of what you got.. cuz what you got is usually a lot more than you thought. Sometimes you just gotta stop and take inventory.. on yourself, you know?

Until next time..

Stay Strong and Aloha Always,
